Our Story

Even though the harmful effects of a high-sugar diet have been common knowledge for decades, it became clear to the public that none of the sugar substitute products currently available were totally satisfactory and certainly didn’t meet the more sophisticated and health-conscious consumer.

So, our technical staff set out to do something about it and to hopefully service consumer needs. We realized that fiber addition to our product would help the consumer with their “Fiber Deficit;” thereby adding many health benefits.

Then, we assembled an international group of world-renowned experts in the field of food science and chemistry; food formulators and flavorists, who were tasked to create Ocarina Sweet. After extensive hard work and relentless Research and Development, we are very pleased to announce that our committed team of specialists were successful in meeting our challenge. This has afforded us the distinct privilege and opportunity to introduce to the world stage our unparalleled sugar substitute, “Ocarina Sweet “